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Сообщения - KFC

Hi guys, its me again  ;)
Some of you may remember me, 2 years ago I was doing some small research about Russian RPG scene here at rpg-world.
I'm still curious how are the things going, and what has changed since then.
2 years ago as far as I recall Studio 101 was publishing their first games - Fiasco and Savage Worlds Deluxe, and they planned to release Красная Земля and Волчье Солнце settings.
I wasn't researching much the topic for the last two years, I've seen only they've run an IndieGoGo campaign for Deadlands and Красная Земля was released. Its good to see that they are still at the market and they are publishing new RPGs like Gumshoe or Apocalypse World.
What I've seen the Rolecons are still running, the FAE was translated recently and there is a Dungeon World in works, but generally thats all of my knowledge.
If someone could write something more about what was going on for the last two years in your country I'd be very very grateful.
For example Katikris in this thread wrote that this year there was a "boom" of the printed RPG releases in Russia, it'd be nice to learn something more about it.Maybe some new publisher has appeared? How about RPG conventions, there's more, less of them? What about the hobby in general is there a feeling that there is more people attracted to the RPGs or maybe all the attention are getting another tabletop games - like boardgames?

Write anything what you want to share, in english or russian it doesn't really matter.

* And what about Polish market? To be honest the situation did not changed much since 2 years. We have still few publishers like 2 or 3 (Fajne RPG, Galmadrin, AMG) which publish like 1 or 2 titles per year, some of the authors are self-publishing their games without a help of the publishers, and sell them in the volumes around 100-300 books, the bigger titles like Call of Cthulhu or Deadlands sell in around 1000 books so the sales are not terrific. The RPG sites and forums on the net are the still the same, some of them are dead and there's not much traffic in there, new sites are not appearing, some people migrated to the Facebook and G+ groups, but the general perspectives are not quite good. One of our biggest RPG publishers Portal Games switched totally their focus to board games only, our two rpg magazines which published on the net have vanished last year. You can't earn the real money on the RPGs in our country it's 100% hobbyist activity and I don't think it will change in the following years, board games are still more and more popular but RPGs as I perceive get the same small level of attention and it's still a niche hobby.

Guys I wanted once again to thank you all for an awesome support and invaluable help, without You this article would never come to life. :good:

I hope this year will be much better for whole Russian RPG community than 2011,
and I wish You lots of fun with our beloved hobby :)

Can I have a little favor to ask? :nya:

I've found a lecture from Rolecon about the history of RPG, but its quite hard for me to understand what he's talking about..
It seems till 5 minute he talks about some kind of old games? Than about Era Vodoleya, after probably about 2 gamebooks? (Povelitel' bezbrezhnoy pustyni + an unidentified game ;)), Iskusstvo Volshebstva and D&D 3.5 Players Guide, that's it or I'm missing something?

Maybe someone could briefly summarize this lecture here?

I'm not so sure if Polish will be more accessible to you than English ;)

Just two more questions that came to my mind:

  • What do you consider as a problems/flaws (main problem/flaw?) at/with Russian fandom/rpg scene/market?
  • In Poland we have constantly reoccuring fights between a few people who are followers of "storytelling" type of gaming and "by the book" players, "immersion" versus "rolling dices" etc., what about Russia, do you have some "schools", "techniques" of playing and its "followers", some specific "approaches" to RPG? or it is rather like - "it's just fun, hobby, play as you like, why to argue?"


Here are the links:
http://moje-granie.blogspot.com/2011/10/bugarskie-granie.html (lucek about Bulgaria)
http://rzutkrytyczny.blogspot.com/2011/03/strefa-erpegola-wolna-od-angola.html (neurocide has wrote few words about German and Czech RPG market)
http://gryfabularne.blogspot.com/search/label/rpg%20na%20świecie (Borejko about playing in Afghanistan, Australia, Mexico, Peru, Brazil and Netherlands).
as I see Google translate does quite good job at translating these to english ;)

Hmm Evilcat - as I understand FRGP - v takom vide: (Сеттинговые ролевые игры, в которых весь форум — единый мир, а игра ведётся в основном в стиле свободного отыгрыша. Они возникли из фанатских форумок, создававшихся людьми, незнакомыми с индустрией ролевых игр, но объединёнными одним фандомом.) is much more popular than regular PBF, where people play by RPG rules.

What about regular PBF? Is it somehow popular, maybe even more popular than tRPG, or just as other forms of online playing like via skype etc. it's just a necessity for people who cant play tRPG with friends, or cant play as often as they want to?

Why not, it would be also interesting :)
If You could give me any information it will be great.

Guys I found also that:

"В августе 2006 правила D&D 3.5 были впервые официально изданы на русском языке владеющим в этот момент лицензией на издание D&D в России издательством АСТ (перевод под редакцией А. Ленского)."
but they did not managed to publish it?

on that site I found also some other projects like
Уникум, Синтари, АРРРГХЪ!, ТриМ, maybe someone could write something more about them or other like these which comes to his mind? They are just fan made projects/ heartbreakers or maybe some of them had gained some popularity in the country?

I'm also interested in the tendencies from the USA rpg scene - do you see people turning into Indie gaming, you know all these stuff from The Forge, Indie Press Revolution, like:
Polaris, Dont Rest Your Head, In Spectres, Cold City, Hot War, A Dirty World, Microscope, Burning Empires, Apocalypse World, Dogs in the Vineyard, etc.
I see that here you have complex thread about indie gaming, but is it popular in general in Russia or rather not?

And what about retrogaming, OSR, old school tendencies, sandbox gaming etc?
all those games inspired by OD&D, AD&D, and other games from 70'-80'
like OSRIC, Swords & Wizardry, Castle and Crusades, Labyrinth Lord - you see/hear about people playing like this?

I found on rpg-world.org a rumour that Deadlands are translated into Russian? maybe somebody has some more info about that? I'd be great news i think :)

What about "Крылья ворона" magazine? Is it the only fan magazine published now in Russian RPG community or maybe there are (were in the past?) other magazines like this one?

Maybe someone is recording RPG podcasts in Russia?

@Chronicler, Green Eyes, Zlanomar, Lender
thank You guys very, very much, your contribution helped me A LOT.

@p.s. Chronicler

In not very active at Pinnacle forum, i think that was somebody else.

@Shurikat -

I'll search for those links, maybe after new year I can translate some of those for you (in english, because translating those into russian by me would take ages I think :D)

also if You'd like I can write few words how tabletopRPG scene looks like in Poland.

Privyet iz Polshy,

Hi guys, my name's Konrad I'm a Polish Roleplayer, a few rpg-bloggers from my country had written an articles how looks Roleplaying in countries like Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, etc. and I wanted to write something about Tabletop RPG in Russia and other russian-speaking countries, I've found that this is one of the major russianspeaking RPG sites so I wanted to ask You how in general Tabletop RPG market/scene looks like in Russia or other countries?

Generally I'm interested in everything - do You have any specific Russian RPGs?, not only translated into Russian, but those also - which games(and when) were translated and published in Russian?
Which games are the most popular - I assume WFRP, D&D but maybe I'm wrong? ;) ; Do you have/had many companies publishing RPGs - I know there is Studio 101 which has published Fiasco and Savage Worlds recently;
You play mainly imported games from abroad or maybe games in Russian language?

Do you have any publishers/companies concerned at tabletopRPG publishing only?
Do you have any magazines (paper or on the internet) focused on tabletop RPG?

What about Conventions? How they look like? They gather fans of fantasy and all kinds of games like LARPS, TabletopRPGs, Wargames, Boardgames, Cardgames, etc. or rather they are focused on one kind of games only? Are they big? where they take place? Only big cities like Moscow or St. Petersburg or maybe at some smaller also?

What about community in general do people gather in some RPG clubs, on the internet, or generally majority of them just play at their houses and don't bother "RPG scene", conventions, and this kind of stuff at all?

Where do you buy RPG books? Do you have any specific shops, internet shops, or maybe you are forced to get books from foreign shops because this hobby is very rare and unpopular in the country?

What about the Internet RPG community? Is it acticve? Do people publish their articles/thoughts on tabletopRPG or gaming in general? Maybe some scenarios/translations/own games/settings/characters on the net?
There are any popular forums/blogs etc?
Which are the most popular sites on the russian-speaking internet about RPG(НРИ)?

What are your feelings about this hobby is it rare or popular in the country?

What about the past? Maybe it was more popular in the past than it is nowadays?

Maybe someone could introduce me the beginnings of the tabletop RPG in Russia? First published books, translations, etc?

What about the future? Do You think that it will be better or worse for RPG gaming than it is now/ and why?

Is this hobby cheap in general in Russia - prices of books, accessories, PDF's etc?
I've found that Savage Worlds Rulebook costs about 1500 rub. I assume it is quite expensive (50$?)
is it the common price of the RPGbooks published in Russia?

Do You buy much books per year? which ones - foreign mainly or russian?

Maybe You just download them from the torrents, or other warezes? (for any reasons)

Feel free to write anything what comes to your mind about tabletop RPG gaming in Russia.
In English or in Russian. I can understand both but it was easier 4 me to write in english.

Thank you, and best wishes for you in the new year 2012!

Napishyte pozhaluysta vsyo shto vam prihodit na mysl' ob
Nastolnyh Rolevyh Igrah v Rossii - libo na Angliyskom libo na Russkom yazyke.

Spasibo vsem i vsego horoshego vam v Novom Godu!