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Privyet iz Polshy, Hi guys, my name's Konrad I'm a Polish Roleplayer, a few rpg-bloggers from my country had written an articles how looks Roleplaying in countries like Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, etc. and I wanted to write something about Tabletop RPG in Russia and other russian-speaking countries, I've found that this is one of the major russianspeaking RPG sites so I wanted to ask You how in general Tabletop RPG market/scene looks like in Russia or other countries? Generally I'm interested in everything - do You have any specific Russian RPGs?, not only translated into Russian, but those also - which games(and when) were translated and published in Russian? Which games are the most popular - I assume WFRP, D&D but maybe I'm wrong? ; Do you have/had many companies publishing RPGs - I know there is Studio 101 which has published Fiasco and Savage Worlds recently; You play mainly imported games from abroad or maybe games in Russian language? Do you have any publishers/companies concerned at tabletopRPG publishing only? Do you have any magazines (paper or on the internet) focused on tabletop RPG? What about Conventions? How they look like? They gather fans of fantasy and all kinds of games like LARPS, TabletopRPGs, Wargames, Boardgames, Cardgames, etc. or rather they are focused on one kind of games only? Are they big? where they take place? Only big cities like Moscow or St. Petersburg or maybe at some smaller also? What about community in general do people gather in some RPG clubs, on the internet, or generally majority of them just play at their houses and don't bother "RPG scene", conventions, and this kind of stuff at all? Where do you buy RPG books? Do you have any specific shops, internet shops, or maybe you are forced to get books from foreign shops because this hobby is very rare and unpopular in the country? What about the Internet RPG community? Is it acticve? Do people publish their articles/thoughts on tabletopRPG or gaming in general? Maybe some scenarios/translations/own games/settings/characters on the net? There are any popular forums/blogs etc? Which are the most popular sites on the russian-speaking internet about RPG(НРИ)? What are your feelings about this hobby is it rare or popular in the country? What about the past? Maybe it was more popular in the past than it is nowadays? Maybe someone could introduce me the beginnings of the tabletop RPG in Russia? First published books, translations, etc? What about the future? Do You think that it will be better or worse for RPG gaming than it is now/ and why? Is this hobby cheap in general in Russia - prices of books, accessories, PDF's etc? I've found that Savage Worlds Rulebook costs about 1500 rub. I assume it is quite expensive (50$?) is it the common price of the RPGbooks published in Russia? Do You buy much books per year? which ones - foreign mainly or russian? Maybe You just download them from the torrents, or other warezes? (for any reasons) Feel free to write anything what comes to your mind about tabletop RPG gaming in Russia. In English or in Russian. I can understand both but it was easier 4 me to write in english. Thank you, and best wishes for you in the new year 2012! Napishyte pozhaluysta vsyo shto vam prihodit na mysl' ob Nastolnyh Rolevyh Igrah v Rossii - libo na Angliyskom libo na Russkom yazyke. Spasibo vsem i vsego horoshego vam v Novom Godu!
Тема: Pынок/общество НРИ в России; RPG scene/market in Russia (Прочитано 13738 раз)