The writers were able to play the game and the combat seems to be very similar as before. They are tactical and can take up to 20 Minutes.What is new: A cover system. A mage can take cover behind a small wall or a barrel for example.The interface was optimized but all the mechanics (dice rolls) stay the same.Traveling:There is no tilebased movement anymore. The traveling on the travel map stays about the same, including setting watches or sending someone to collect herbs or to hunt.Comfort Functions:There will be tutorials so you don't have to study the manual.Manual notes on the minimap, easier menu navigation and drag and drop in inventory.Graphics:It does not reach a level of quality like Witcher 2 or Skyrim. Some of the textures are very low quality.
Drakensang очень хорошо передавала атмосферу (вплоть до мельчайших деталей, таких, как уничтожение выброшенных предметов) и игровой процесс, но всё же была несколько казуальной как минимум из-за упрощения и отказа от пошаговости.
А можно поподробнее насчет жести? Я понимаю, почто на Шедоуран ругаются, а тут что?
With lot of text info missing, like pointing in the skills, there were supposed to be a skill explaination, but its a "text_skill info", and even you talk to the npcs its genman, all shop items are genmans texts, or text missing, its unplayable before the English patch came out, unless you want a "special" experience.
Thats what you call the extra challenge. If you can beat it now you can call yourself a "hardcore gamer "
Ну, рожи конечно страшные, но вы посмотрите на грудь.
Вообще, если смотреть на картинку абстрагированно, это примерно 1997-1998 года.
еще месяц ждать где-то.