О Мариенбурге:
But no one outside the innermost circle of power in Marienburg
knew about the secret protocols that bound the Elves to defend
Marienburg against all attackers. It became painfully clear, though,
after the defeat of the Imperial Army of the Lower Reik when Count
Zelt was forced to surrender his sword to a Sea Elf wizard before
a combined force of Wastelander militia and Sea Elf Marines.
Whatever their reasons, the High Elf Kingdom of Ulthuan has com-
mitted itself to the defence of Marienburg.
ELFTOWN LAW Elftown (Elfsgemeente), while technically
a part of Marienburg, is governed under
Sea Elf law. By the Treaty of Amity and Com-
merce, all crimes involving Elves - even
Wood Elves from the interior of the conti-
nent - fal l under the authority of the Phoenix
King of Ulthuan through his regent, the
Exarch of Sith Rionnasc' namishathir.
Similar to the Star Chamber, the Exarch
claims authority over crimes committed by
non-Elves against Elves, even if said crime
happened in Marienburg proper. Sea Elf
law is different to Marienburg's, more subtle
in many ways, and many lawyers have found
themselves entangled in it and their clients
unexpectedly found guilty.
People accused are brought before the
Exarch for judgment under the laws of
Ulthuan. Those convicted in Elftown face
punishments roughly similar to those in
Marienburg: minor offences warrant fines
or floggings, while serious crimes such as
murder and arson earn the culprit a sen-
tence of death by drowning. The Elves do
not maintain jails.
Elftown's Watch is known around
Marienburg as the Mannikins, a corruption
of the Tar-Eltharin word Manniocs-quinsh,
or 'Guardians of the Peace'. Though they
have the authority to make arrests for crimes
involving Elves anywhere in the Wasteland,
under most circumstances they do not leave
Elftown - not since the riots of 2391, which
erupted after the arrest and execution of
two men who had killed an Elf in a fight.
More often they rely on the City Watch to
arrest and extradite suspects. Anxious to
maintain good relations with the Elves, the
Directorate has ordered that this be done
as efficiently as possible. This means that
the suspect is often arrested, hauled across
the Elfgate bridge and handed over within
hours, with no way to appeal for help.
If a case is important and the need is
urgent, the Mannikins will operate under-
cover outside their own quarter. Though
the Watch has no love of them for this, their
orders are to stand aside rather than risk
an incident.
- Marienburg Sold down the River
Оказавшись в центре конфликта, который позже стал известен как Великая Война против Хаоса, Магнус Благочестивый решил использовать разрушительные способности людских заклинателей. Отменив неписанный запрет на чародейство, он призвал на помощь в создании коллегий Магии в Альтдорфе высшего эльфа — волшебника Теклиса. Используя эффективные и непредсказуемые силы первых легальных волшебников, он смог переломить ситуацию, выиграть войну, а также изменить Империю навсегда.
- wfrp 2ed, corebook
The Ulthuan Embassy [26] is situated close to the Royal Conservatory. Established after the Great War Against Chaos, the relations between the Empire and Ulthuan have been fairly cordial, except for the years during and shortly after Marienburg’s independence. Officially, the Empire recognises Ulthuan’s suzerainty over the Wood Elves of the Laurelorn to the north, though no one has seem to bother telling the “rustic cousins” of this development. This official recognition is a sore point with Middenland and Nordland as both see Ulthuan as little more than interlopers in their region. When not at official functions requiring his attendance, Ambassador Tymalier Eskeladel is usually found within the embassy. There are times when the High Elf emissary departs with several Ulthuan guards through the south gate to wander in the nearby forest in order to escape the stench of the Imperial capital and its uncouth human inhabitants.
- Key to Aldorf map -
http://www.madalfred.darcore.net/articles/Altdorf.rtfИтого: большая колония в Мариенбурге морских высших эльфов и небольшая колония высших эльфов в Альтдорфе в районе посольства.
Что интересно, эльфы Лаурелорна (и, по аналогии с ними, иные не ательлоренские лесные эльфы) официально считаются сюзеренами Высших эльфов (впрочем, эльфы Атель Лорена тоже могут де-юре числиться в юрисдикции Ультуана).