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"Погребок Ролевика"
Можно твердому разъяснить:"кендлкип компендиум"-- что это?
About the CompendiumThe Candlekeep Compendium is a project undertaken by a selected number of scribes of Candlekeep. Each volume contains a collection of Realmslore articles penned by the scribes, on a variety of Realms-related subjects. Many months of hard work have gone into the articles contained within each issue. Some articles are unique to each volume, whilst others are an installment of regular columns to appear over many issues. Periodically, special themed volumes will be released, focusing on an particular aspect of the Realms.
Давайте будем честны. Практической пользы все эти хомрулы не несут - единственный их прок можно потрепаться обсуждая их или поливая грязью автора...
на форуме по 4-ке тут никого нет...