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Сейчас при описании Гит, прародителя рас гитьянки и гитцераев используется женский род. Пытаюсь понять, это потому что Гит реально была женщиной, или нынешние политкорректные реалии заставляют так писать. Не встречал ли кто в ранних редакциях упоминания о том, какого пола Гит?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Августа 07, 2020, 13:38 »

1. Alternatively, some residents of your campaign world might be loudly bragging - truly or not - that they have discovered the tomb of Gith. The lich-queen could decide that the best way to punish such upstart blasphemers is to destroy their entire world. If the tomb of Gith truly is there, she might also want to obliterate it before any more of her people start making pilgrimages to see it. - ?

2. The worth of portal berries is primarily from their rarity, not from their utility, for it's generally easier to find a portal through conventional means. Also, few people interested in portals also have the scent ability and could use the berries in the first place. Still, they are pretty and for sale if you can find someone who has them. - ?

Улльр сладкоречивый, какая же всё это унылая, многословная, безыдейная, написанная без всякой оглядки на потребности ведущего за игровым столом графомания. 
Других людей материалов по Фаэруну третьей редакции у меня нет!

"Американо-фантастическая торговая компания"!
До вас не проложена железная дорога? На дилижансы постоянно нападают индейцы и бандиты? Выход есть! Купите вексель АФТК!
На указанную в векселе сумму вы можете придумать необходимые вам товары, и они немедленно материализуются рядом с вами. Внимание - придумывайте ТОЛЬКО ящики, которые можно открыть.
Спрашивайте вексели АФТК в главном офисе в Нью-Орке и в отделениях АФТК по всей стране!

(Сеттинг навеян приснившимся этой ночью сном!)

Всем спасибо за поданные идеи!)

Доброго времени суток!
В стандартном фентези мире группа приходит в область, которую терроризируют оборотни. Есть ли способы для группы доказать, что они таковыми не являются?
Логичный способ засунуть их в тюрьму и дождаться полнолуния им не годится - таймер тикает.
В первую очередь интересны способы из ДнД, если таковые там были, но годится в принципе любой более-менее прописанный вариант.


1. From this new terrestrial githyanki kingdom, christened Krra'githTarak (“the kingdom of Gith on solid ground” in the githyanki tongue), her soldiers strike out across the world to forge a new githyanki empire. Once again, the lich-queen focuses her efforts on the kingdoms with the most military or magical power. Once they're under her control, conquering the rest of the world will be much simpler. While the githyanki armies are extending her reach, the lich-queen`s most powerful agents pursue her specific goals, if she has any beyond the conquest of this world. - ?

2. Portal berries are exceptionally rare. The covering grows from 3 to 5 feet long and it bears several dozen berries, but only 3d4 berries on each plant possess magical properties. Their climactic requirements are strict and they're temperamental in that they're unwilling to bear fruit if conditions for the entire year aren't exactly right. As yet, no one has successfully raised them in a controlled setting. - ?


1. These hatcheries serve a military purpose as well - they make ideal bases for scouts and spies assigned to observe the Material Plane. Regardless of the underlying reason you choose for the invasion, the reports from such scouts are crucial to the lich-queen's decision to invade this particular world at this time. Thus, allowing the PCs to encounter one of these hatchery outposts well in advance of the invasion can be a very effective foreshadowing of events to come. - ?

2. Portal Berries
This innocuous plant is a ground-covering, creeping plant that bears small silvery-white berries. When these berries are eaten by creatures that have the scent ability, the creature can smell portals within 120 feet, or within 240 feet if downwind. The effect is brief, lasting only 1d6 minutes, but if guided to the general area, a creature can smell a portal easily enough. (The berries would add 10 to any Search or Spot skill checks related to finding portals.) - ?


1. The Astral Plane is a timeless realm in which creatures neither age nor grow. The egg-laying githyanki therefore maintain hatchery outposts (called varsfTisks) on many Material Plane worlds so that their young can hatch and mature. At such facilities, caretakers tend the eggs, and githwarriors and warlocks train the young githyanki in the arts of war. For the youngsters, every activity is a war exercise. - ?

2. The lycanthropes used a portal between the Surbin River and Mithral Hall. Two trees have grown into each other and fused, forming a crude archway, which is where the portal stands. The trees continue to grow and the arch remains intact despite a large amount of overgrowth. This is a two-way portal that leads back to the Moonwood portal discussed in Part 5. The other portal, near the farmhouse, is located near where Surbin and Rauvin rivers meet. The portal is in the form of a rough circle cut into the side of a boulder, and the stone is covered by a very thin layer of moss. Fortunately for the lycanthropes, the moss was too thin to prevent the portal from being used. - ?

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Июля 25, 2020, 11:31 »
Доброго времени суток!
Никто не встречал в каком-нибудь модуле или ещё в каких официальных материалах НИП воина-мага достаточно высокого уровня?


1. From the strongholds of the Silver Marches, the githyanki would bring the rest of the North as tightly under their control as possible, subduing orcs and giants as well as humans, dwarves, and elves. - ?

2. First, we hid to surprise the tiny dwarves. They were so slow! Their shields and weapons were nothing compared to the fury you put into us! We bit and clawed at them sparingly, just enough to rattle their metal-capped heads. They kept to a group and didn't break ranks -- brave stubby-legged dwarves! We did not stay long enough to kill them for the Moon was quickly moving to the time we needed to go eat that farmer you told us about. We ran away; the fun of playing with the dwarves was over too soon. Mayhaps my lord may see fit to let us stay longer next time. - ?

А вторая часть первого вопроса?

Всем спасибо!

1. When the trolls begin to muster in the northeast part of the moors, with flying ships and wheeling dragons overhead, the armies of Silverymoon and Mithral Hafl fortify the banks of the Rauvin. Then the second gate opens -possibly within Silverymoon Itself, or even inside Sundabar. Once Sundabar has been taken, the githyanki could hold a strong fortress against the rest of the Silver Marches. The Evermoors army could then sweep in to meet sorties from Sundabar and conquer the remaining cities of the Marches. - ?

2. Attack successful, my lord! The portal berries made the Big Portal stink just right! We found it easily. When we came out, it was out of an arched tree near the river -- just like you said, my lord! - ?

Даже стало интересно откуда это
- "Incusrion" статья из "Дракона" о кампании, посвящённой вторжению гитьянки.

Всем спасибо!

1. Meanwhile, Mithral Hall sent out all its scouts and used all its magic to look out for an attack. If something could coordinate that chaotic lot of lycanthropes, who knows what would be coming across Surbin River. . . - ?

2. The first gate then opens within the Evermoors and is noticed only by the trolls and other monsters, which quickly begin fleeing the moors and causing trouble in the surrounding lands. The githyanki have a relatively easy time establishing their control over a plot of land on Faerun that offers no organized resistance, and they press a number of monsters into
service as soldiers. - ?

2) Опять же, буквально переводить не имеет смысла, лучше искать аналог. Не знаю, Скорострел?
У моих игроков такое имя вызовет ещё худшие ассоциации!)
Честно говоря, не очень понимаю, что здесь имеется в виду под "some sort of" - какие именно типы нападений на город рассматриваются?
Ну, в предыдущих абзацах речь шла о том, что нападения оборотней не являются для дварфов чем-то необычным, но это было именно скоординированное нападение, а не просто одинокий ликантроп решил именно в сторону города дварфов побежать в полнолуние! Возможно, тут отсылка к этому?
А что именно он делает? И кто дал ему такое название?
Как и любой лук - стреляет стрелами!)))
Только этот ещё и бьёт больнее обычных!
Назвал его так его создатель, сводный брат хозяина лука!


1. Word was sent to Silverymoon to beware of some sort of coordinated attack against the city. Battlehammer theorized that perhaps Mithral Hall may be attacked to keep it from assisting Silverymoon or to draw troops away from the city and all the way west to the hall. Battlehammer recommended that Silverymoon concentrate on defending itself and not to send help to Mithral Hall, preventing Silverymoon from sending away any good swords it might need for itself. Mithral Hall had taken care of itself for many years and it would continue to do so. - ?

2. Как получше перевести имя лука Swiftflight? Как я понимаю, отсылка к тому, что он стреляет быстро и много (собственно, одно из значений "flight" - град (стрел)), но что-то в стиле "Быстроград", скорее, вызовет ассоциации с городом, не?..

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Июля 12, 2020, 20:18 »
Если мне память не изменяет, то это +5! А помеха, соответственно, -5!

Всем спасибо!

1. Until recently, his half-brother (sharing the same father) Tyresia (LG male elf Wiz15) had been his close companion and cohort. They both very much enjoyed spending time with each other and would create magic items together. During their time crafting items, Methrammar made his own mithral shirt and bastard sword. Unfortunately, Tyresia missed his elven family and decided to return home. As a parting present, he made a special composite oathbow for his brother named "Swiftflight." The bow is intelligent and has some of Tyresia's personality, which makes it even dearer to Methrammar. Methrammar misses his half-brother and would welcome a new companion, but he is very particular that any such person holds the same ideals that he does and is also willing to dedicate himself (or herself) to Silverymoon. - ?

2. This event was quickly followed by a panicked word from a settler near where the Surbin and Rauvin rivers meet. Again, five lycanthropes appeared in an ambush, this time killing some livestock and severely wounding a farmhand. What made this especially troubling was that both attacks occurred as the moon reached its apex, indicating a coordinated attack by a team of lycanthropes -- something unknown to the dwarves, who were used to the usual barely organized raid and short, frenzied battle. - ?


1. His word is his bond, and he'll do whatever he can to keep a promise. People often comment that he would make a splendid paladin. He gently demursе, however, because his heart is dedicated not to a deity or an ideal, but to Silverymoon itself. - ?

2. Mithral Hall is not so distant from the Moonwood that lycanthrope attacks are completely unknown. Usually the creatures stick to roads along Sturbin River and molest the few farmers and rugged mountaineers who make their homes in the area because, in the past, they have been unwilling to face any armed group from the hall. So, it was a surprise when a small group of lycanthropes assaulted some shield dwarves within sight of the hall itself. The dwarves were returning from a routine day when five snarling beasts ambushed them. The dwarves fought the things off without casualties, but they could not kill or capture any of them for interrogation. - ?

Всем спасибо!

1. His soft-spoken ways and humble manners occasionally cause those who don't know him to underestimate him. Almost everyone who gets to know him has a healthy respect for his abilities and skills. He's honest and forthright, with strong ideas about what constitutes right and wrong. -?

2. Mithral Hall, home to about 5,000 souls (mostly dwarves) is in the Silver Marches at the edge of the Spine of the World mountains. It falls under the able leadership of Eighth King of Mithral Hall, Bruenor Battlehammer, who rules with a stern brow but a just heart. Mithral Hall and Silverymoon have been close allies ever since Battlehammer slew a shadow dragon many years ago. -?

Всем спасибо!

1. Out of Character
Locating a particular piece of information or a specific volume of lore in Old Night's library is easier said than done. Each character that seeks something in the library may make a Search check. Calculate the DC for the check as follows:
Character has ranks in a Knowledge appropriate to the topic of his or her inquiry (arcana, history, local, and so on):
DC 20 -1 for every Knowledge rank above 5 (to a maximum of +10).  - определённый фрагмент информации или определённую часть информации? И как лучше перевести название врезки, в которой говорится о механике вычисления бросков на поиск информации? "Не для персонажа"?

2. He quickly rose through the ranks to become the High Marshal of the Argent Legion. He is talented, and he has dedicated himself to the defense of Silverymoon. Despite all his skills, he worries a bit that he gained his position not because of his own merits but because of his mother's influence. He tries to set this insecurity aside and overcomes it from time to time when he succeeds at particularly challenging tasks. - ?

(Сеттинг создан очередным перлом автоматического переводчика, который ничтоже сумняшеся перевёл "rock gnome" как "рок-гном", что и навело на мысль о мире, в котором группы приключенцев - музыкальные!)

- Я готов отправиться в Мордор!
- С тобой мой синтезатор!
- И моя гитара!
- И мой барабан!

Всем спасибо!

1. Old Night permits all visitors who conduct themselves politely and without aggression to examine the contents of the library, but visitors are not permitted to remove any of the books from the Holdfast. (They are welcome to make a copy of whatever information they find, however.) Old Night does not make a habit of aiding visitors with their quests for information, other than to point them to either the appropriate chamber or the library. - ?

2. Symbol: The Herald's Holdfast uses as its recognition mark the emblem of an open book, in silver, on a dark gray field. - ?

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Июня 12, 2020, 18:33 »
Доброго времени суток!
У нас с игроками интересный спор вышел! А как правило о том, что нельзя заканчивать ход в клетке другого существа, сочетается со сражением верхом? Ведь, если ты в бою садишься на коня, то ты закончишь раунд в клетке другого существа? Или я пропустил какие-то разъяснения по этому вопросу?

Всем спасибо!

1. A doorway leads from the Chamber of Humanity to a corridor delved straight into the hillside. Therein are more chambers similar to that of the Chamber of Humanity, and each is dedicated to a single race, including dwarf, elf, giant, gnoll, gnome, goblin, orc, and halfling. According to rumor, secret doors exist elsewhere in the tower that lead to many other chambers. Each racial chamber is decorated with items created by or for the race it represents. - ?

2. At the very end of the corridor, beyond all the chambers, sits the structure's largest room: the library. Said to be a storehouse of knowledge equal to or even greater than the Vault of Sages in Silverymoon, the library contains a bewildering number of books, tomes, scrolls, stone tablets, all shelved or piled high on numerous tables. - ?

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Июня 02, 2020, 18:29 »
Но как часто?)
Исходя из того, что в "Руководстве Мастера" во-первых, сказано, что траты на обслуживание недвижимости надо делать каждые 30 дней, и что максимальное число дней, которые персонаж может заниматься бизнесом, которое потом добавляется к проверке - это 30, можно сделать вывод, что шаг ведения бизнеса равен 30 дням!

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Июня 02, 2020, 08:37 »
Самый просто вариант - раз в таблице сказано, что к результату броска надо прибавлять количество дней, которыми персонаж занимался бизнесом, то в его отсутствие кидать только проценташку!)


1. The portal doesn't really connect to any mysterious land of the dead, but just drops out somewhere secluded like the deep jungle in Chult. (The dead aarakocra bodies quickly decay and disappear among the ravenous jungle scavengers.) When the PCs are stuck in Chult and need a way back north, a sly stranger offers them cheap passage to Anauroch. - ?

2. Как вообще лучше перевести название этой серии статей? Она называется Perilous Gateways, то есть что-то вроде "Проходы, за которыми может быть опасность". Можно это как-то выразить короче?

- Как мы стали Избранными? Каждый по-разному. Летучая мышь однажды попала в пещеру, из которой на неё выбежала целая толпа  людей. Она жутко испугалась, а потом решила, что для того, чтобы победить свой страх она сама должна стать своим страхом! Ну а меня просто укусил радиоактивный человек! Так что теперь мы Летучая мышь-Человек и Паук-Человек!

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Мая 08, 2020, 17:21 »
Доброго времени суток!
Вопрос по спутнику повелителя зверей (Beast Master). Количество его хитов - либо как у обычного животного, либо уровень следопыта х4, и он может лечиться во время короткого отдыха, бросая кости хитов. Но сколько у него костей хитов, если он получает хиты от уровня следопыта? Всё равно берётся количество костей от обычного животного, даже если хитов у него явно больше?

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Мая 06, 2020, 13:39 »
Так поделитесь)
Зимняя одежда стоит 4 золотых согласно модулю DDAL4-2.
Очень удивились с игроками на прошлой игре - в "Руководстве Мастера" указано, что холодная погода не действует на людей в тёплой одежде, а вот цены на тёплую одежду в "Книге игрока" нету!)

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