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Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Января 22, 2021, 13:10 »
Всем спасибо!

1. You certainly don’t need a major cataclysm to incorporate the changes introduced in the new revision of the D&D core rules, but if you want a rationale for these changes, Incursion can provide it. - ?

2. As an alternative to the two scenarios outlined above, the lich-queen could choose the Moonsea region as her primary military target, focusing on enemies the PCs probably view as “bad guys”. An assault on the Moonsea might not immediately capture the attention of the worlds heroes - after all, the elimination of the headquarters of the Zhentarim would do Faerun a world of good. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Января 15, 2021, 15:32 »

1.  You're playing in Greyhawk and the Theocracy of the Pale has always bugged you? Let the githyanki wipe it from the face of Oerth. Then you can replace it with whatever suits your fancy-perhaps an oppressive nation ruled by githyanki, or a strong rebel force that moved into the power vacuum left by the Theocracy’s fall. - ?

Кстати говоря, что это за теократия, кто-то знает? Её название что-то означает?

2. From there, the githyanki spread simultaneously in both directions around the Sea of Fallen Stars, into Sembia and the Dragon Coast. Once they conquer the Vilhon Reach, they can expand westward into the relatively wild Western Heartlands, and from there northward to the Silver Marches. From Sembia, their expansion should progress more slowly up through the Dalelands to the Moonsea, then Into the Cold Lands and the Unapproachable Fast. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Января 14, 2021, 14:26 »
Всем спасибо!

1. You're running a Forgotten Realms campaign and you’re sick of the characters running to Elminster for help? Bad news for the players - the githyanki have arrived, and Elminster is at the top of their hit list. (As an added bonus, Elminster's demise ensures that the PCs will regard the invasion with appropriate gravity!) - ?

2. The lich-queen then opens the first gate in the southern reaches of the Daelands (Deepingdale or Arkhendale), or possibly in Sembia. Her forces of flying astral ships and dragon-riding knights can cross the Thunder Peaks or the Vast Swamp to attack Cormyr with relative ease. - ?

Это от слова doppelsoldier или doppelganger? А то мне приходит в голову только хентай с Доппель из девочек-монстров в главной роли.
Имелись в виду вторые!)

Из того же обсуждения:
- Мимики с доппельгангерами взбунтовались! Говорят, царь-то - настоящий!

Сеттинг даже не в одну строчку, а в одно слово - doppelgangbang!)

В этом мире вместе с людьми живут приключенцы. Люди охотятся на них и приручают, а затем заставляют сражаться друг с другом, зачищать подземелья и расти по уровню. Самый известный слоган этого мира - "Приключу, я выбираю тебя!"

- Спящие - не под водой! Они бродят по нашему миру, по лесам и пригородам. Почему тогда они Спящие? Потому что они ходят не в своём истинном облике. Но я бывал на Плато Ёжаса, я видел их истинный размер, я видел щупальца, в которые превращаются их колючки! Поклонники Лавкрафта не знают, что те, кого они так боятся - это обычные ёжики. Но когда ёжики наконец-то проснутся - человечество вздрогнет!..

(Сеттинг навеян забавной опечаткой перевода, где План Ужаса был записан как план Ежаса!)

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Ноября 21, 2020, 14:53 »
Доброго времени суток!
Помогите  разобраться со способностью очарователя "Инстинктивное очарование" (INSTINCTIVE CHARM)! Не совсем понятно, как она работает! Если способность использована, то атаковавший должен заново бросать атаку по ближайшему существу, или против него используется уже совершённый бросок атаки? И если не надо бросать заново, то что происходит, если атакующему давали преимущество на атаку против изначальной цели? А если это была коварная атака, получит ли новая цель дополнительный урон? И считается ли фамильяр или животное-спутник атаковавшего ближайшими существами?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Ноября 14, 2020, 10:12 »
А второе место первого вопроса? о_О

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Ноября 13, 2020, 13:13 »

1. Can a paladin use Divine Smite when they hit using an unarmed strike? No. Divine Smite isn’t intended to work with unarmed strikes.
Divine Smite does work with a melee weapon attack, and an unarmed strike can be used to make such an attack. But the text of Divine Smite also refers to the “weapon’s damage,” and an unarmed strike isn’t a weapon.
If a DM decides to override this rule, no imbalance is created. Tying Divine Smite to weapons was a thematic choice on our part—paladins being traditionally associated with weapons. It was not a game balance choice. - ?

2. Beyond the fun factor, a war offers you the opportunity to change the face of your campaign world, eliminating elements you might have been dissatisfied with and replacing them with new ones. - ?

Если ты не убиваешь еду, ты делаешь её сильнее
А самогон регулярно наносит ответные удары по человечеству!)

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. / Re: Вопросы [DnD 5]
« : Ноября 07, 2020, 12:07 »
Доброго времени суток!
Заклинание "пылающий шар" (flaming sphere) - это огненный шар диаметром в одну клетку, который наносит урон, если ударяется в кого-то или если кто-то заканчивает свой ход рядом с ним. Значит ли это, что ходить через клетку этого шара можно без проблем, раз в заклинании это не прописано?

А мне представляется мир, где космические корабли регулярно приземляются на планеты, чтобы собрать там местные ресурсы, сварить из них самогон, заправить им корабль и продолжить путь.
И тут фантастические произведения о пришельцах, явившихся, чтобы поработить землян, заиграли новыми красками. С ужасом представляю себе гигантский космический корабль, зависший над местным пивзаводом и выкачивающий драгоценную жидкость... >:(

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Ноября 03, 2020, 13:04 »

1. Throughout this process, the lich-queen never commits more of her forces than she believes (based on intelligence gathered by her spies) are required to achieve her goals. Huge legions of githyanki soldiers wait in reserve on the Astral Plane until this initial foray has succeeded. If this phase of the invasion goes very poorly, she sends some reinforcements, but she never sends more forces than she must until a githyanki kingdom is established on the world. - как бы это получше сформулировать?

2. While the githyanki armies are extending her reach, the lich-queeris most powerful agents pursue her specific goals, if she has any beyond the conquest of this world. (As noted above, such goals could include locating the divine corpse of the glthyanki's former patron, obliterating the purported tomb of Gith, or raiding mind flayer settlements deep underground.) - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Октября 16, 2020, 12:12 »

1. Can a creature under the effects of polymorph have other spell effects on them, or are those game statistics also replaced by the those of the beast form? Polymorph replaces only the target’s character sheet or stat block with the stat block of the chosen form. Other effects, such as other spells, still exist. - ?

2. If you want all those nearly divine NPCs out of way permanently, grant the lich-queen a near-infallible chance of success in killing them. If you`d like to have most or all of them still around when the invasion is over, imprison or distract them. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Октября 10, 2020, 11:44 »

1. Are natural weapons considered weapons? Things designated as weapons by the rules, including natural weapons, are indeed weapons. In contrast, unarmed strikes are not weapons. They are something you do with an unarmed part of your body. - ?

2. Misty step doesn’t say the caster can bring worn or carried equipment with them. Are they intended to leave everything, including their clothes, behind? No, the caster’s worn and carried equipment are intended to go with them.
Some teleportation effects do specify that you teleport with your gear; such specification is an example of a rule being needlessly fastidious, since no teleportation effect in the game assumes that you teleport without your clothes, just as the general movement rules don’t assume that you drop everything when you walk. - ?

Pollithid (поллитид или попкатид) - вид мозговых паразитов. В отличие от обычных иллитидов, они не заменяют голову носителя собой, а устраиваются на плече. Таким образом те, кто общается с носителем, не подозревают, что тот, кто контролирует разум тела, сидит рядом с головой. Обитают они в южных морях, и маскируются под попугаев с яркой расцветкой. Огромное количество пиратов с попугаями на плече на самом деле заражено поллитидами.
(Сеттинг навеян моим сегодняшним сном.)

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Октября 08, 2020, 13:00 »
Всем спасибо!

1. The frightened condition says “while the source of its fear is within line of sight.” Does that mean you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks even if the source is invisible but you have a clear line to its space? No. If you can’t see something, it’s not within your line of sight. Speaking of “line of sight,” the game uses the English meaning of the term, which has no special meaning in the rules. - ?

2. For a wizard to cast a ritual spell contained in their spellbook, do they need to read from the book or use it as part of the ritual? No. As written, the rule doesn’t require you to read from the book. The narrative intent, however, is that the wizard is reading from their book, but the only mechanical requirement is that the wizard has the spell in their spellbook. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Октября 06, 2020, 14:15 »
Всем спасибо!

1. Как бы назвать свойство орков Primal Intuition. You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival. ? Явно речь идёт про мудрость дикаря, но как бы это получше сформулировать?

2. Can the Disarming Attack maneuver disarm a creature of a shield it has donned? No. Disarming Attack forces a creature to drop an object it is holding. Donned shields aren’t merely held. - опять же, речь о том, что щит не только держат, он ещё и на руке зафиксирован, но как это получше сказать?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Сентября 30, 2020, 12:33 »

1. Armed with a spine of earthly wind, an astral vessel can sail through a portal into the Material Plane and darken the sky of your game world. - "затенить" как-то не звучит, а больше ничего в голову не приходит...

2. Logically speaking, it`s difficult to rationalize why the fate of the world might hang on the success or failure of the PC mission to slay the lich-queen in the Astral Plan, when Elminster could have gone and done it himself as soon as the invasion began. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Сентября 29, 2020, 12:39 »
Всем спасибо!

1. Of course, no matter how accurate a map they managed to make the first time through the dungeon, it can`t possibly account for the devious modifications the githyanki have made. - ?

2. Perhaps the characters once undertook a dangerous mission to recover a holy relic for the temple of Heironeous in Verbobonc. Now Verbobonc is occupied by the githyanki, the temple of Heironeous has been burned to the ground, and the fate of that holy relic is anyone`s guess. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Сентября 28, 2020, 13:26 »

1. Destroying the spine releases the angry elemental to the Material Plane and causes the ship’s flight magic to fail, sending it plummeting to the ground. When a control skull is destroyed, the astral ship travels at its highest speed in whatever direction the ship is pointing until it collides with an object large enough to stop it or until the ship is sufficiently damaged to destroy it. - ?

2. If they still talk about how they cleared all the undead creatures and deadly traps from the fabled Tomb of Horrors, how would they feel upon learning that the place is now the site of a githyanki outpost? In a similar vein, the githyanki might capture a citadel that the PCs shed much blood defending In years past. In either case, the PCs might actually gain some advantage over the githyanki by virtue of their intimate knowledge of the occupied area. This tactic provides an excellent excuse for you to build an entirely new adventure around a dungeon map you have used before - even one that your players already have a copy of! - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Сентября 11, 2020, 12:34 »

1. The control skull of an astral ship is shaped like an iilithid skull and serves as the focus point for the pilot of the ship, A githyanki touching a control skull perceives the world around it as though rhe ship and its contents are transparent. The githyanki can then mentally control the ship's movement as a full-round action, making Profession (sailor) skill checks as necessary. A non-githyanki suffers 4 negative levels while touching the control skull, which disappear after the skull is released, but can attempt to pilot the ship normally. The skull follows the mental commands of the last person to touch it, so control of the ship is maintained by keeping threats from entering the pilot room the control skull is typically housed in. A ship without a pilot continues on the course of its last command. - ?

2. People: The assassination of a beloved or respected NPC, or the death of such an individual on the field of war, is one obvious way to drive the invasion home for the PCs. However, much the same effect can be achieved by having the githyanki take out key villains or rivals. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Августа 26, 2020, 12:43 »
Тут случайно отделили мои предыдущие вопросы и ответы на них в другую тему, но спасибо!)

1. On The Astral Plane, the githyanki commonly wage war from massive astral ships. Such vessels can be equivalent in size to anything from a small keelboat with room for a single squad of soldiers to a massive galleon that can carry hundreds of troops. Powered by magic sails that catch the motion of astral energies, these ships are normally useless on the Material Plane, where no such arcane winds blow. - ?

2. Reusing elements of your campaign in this way gives players an emotional investment in the invasion that goes a step beyond their concern for the campaign world in which they have been adventuring. Their familiarity with a particular person, place, or item can also give them an edge in a fight that might otherwise prove overwhelming - and in the Incursion campaign, anything that helps the players feel that they are doing well is an invaluable element. - ?

На Воинском фронте продолжаются тяжёлые бои. На Магическом фронте нам удалось нанести успешные атаки по площади по территории противника. На Плутовском фронте без перемен (или они настолько скрытно происходят). Успехи вражеских войск на Бардовском фронте вызваны использованием противником мультиклассов, что является серьёзным нарушением законов ведения войны, согласно которым на фронте могут сражаться лишь представители класса, по имени которого назван фронт.

(Сеттинг навеян шуткой "Украинцев в СССР на три Украинских фронта хватило, а вот волхвов набралось лишь на один Волховский!)

Всем спасибо!

1. Maybe she simply wishes to die (or enter demilichdom) on the homeworld of her ancestors. Or perhaps the lich-queen is frantically seeking some due to the whereabouts of Gith, the primordial founder of the race, who disappeared into the pits of Hell untold centuries ago. Signs and prophecies seem to point to Gith's imminent return, and the lich-queen seeks to either hasten or prevent that event. - ?

2. One way to increase the impact of the githyanki invasion upon your campaign world is to ensure that its repercussions affect people, places, and things with which the PCs are familiar. This technique doesn't necessarily boil down to a “hit them where it hurts” philosophy, although that tactic can be useful in moderation. It`s more about weaving a variety of elements from the ongoing campaign into the overarching theme of the invasion. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Августа 14, 2020, 14:30 »

1. Although the number of lycanthropes in the Moonwood are too low to assault Silverymoon, if organized and if they take advantage of the portal network, they can make their numbers seem much larger, which indeed they have. - ?

2. To that end, she sends assassins to eliminate the leaders of small and weak kingdoms close to her primary target. Her method of assuming control thereafter might vary depending on the success of those ventures, the nature of the kingdoms, and her specific needs. In one realm, she might rely on the chaos in the wake of the leader's death to make the kingdom an easy target for outright conquest. In another, a magically disguised githyanki spy might assume the role of the dead leader and subtly steer the realm toward policies that favor the lich-queen’s success. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Августа 13, 2020, 12:47 »

1. Farmers and traveling merchants often report the same kinds of attacks, perhaps even by the same types of beasts, in each of these areas. If the reports are studied together, it can be determined that the same small group of lycanthropes is conducting the attacks. Instead of a massive multipronged attack, a few move all over the Silver Marches seemingly at will. How have they done this? There can be one answer for a group so disorganized as they: portals. - ?

2. The invasion ts the key element of an incursion campaign, whatever the reasoning behind it. Your next important decision is where the githyanki will arrive. There are two primary options, and your choice depends on several factors. Do you want the invasion to take center stage in your campaign immediately, or come into play gradually? Do you want its greatest impact to be at the center of your campaign activity or in outlying areas? if you want the invasion to become the center of your campaign right away and possibly to have a large impact on your primary campaign area, then let the githyanki arrive right in the center of activity. Otherwise, choose a location more distant from the campaign’s action for the invasion to begin. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Августа 12, 2020, 11:52 »

1. Lycanthopes from the Moonwood have expanded in number and aggression -- dramatically so. Word of lycanthrope attacks originating from Mithral Hall, Nesmé, Everlund, Sundabar, and, it's suspected, the Cold Wood have reached Silverymoon. - ?

2. The githyanki consider the surface cities nothing more than impediments to their goal - accessing the subterranean lairs of the illithids - so they simply attack and destroy surface settlements to get at what ties underneath. The brunt of their assault is, of course, directed toward the mind flayers rather than the surface-dwellers, although it might not seem so at first. - ?

Википереводы / Re: Вопросы по переводам
« : Августа 10, 2020, 12:44 »

1. According to the game, this divine corpse was lost long ago in a deep chasm in the Wasting Desert on the world of Pharagos, but you might decide that it's resting in a desolate wilderness area of your own campaign world. Wherever it lies, the corpse is surrounded by a maelstrom of magical activity and guarded by a panoply of outsiders — either celestials or fiends. - ?

2. How to Incorporate Mithral Tree Portal Into Your Campaign
Silverymoon is a popular stop for adventurers -- especially the kind of adventuring party that would be eager to help Mithral Hall. Rather than send fighters from Silverymoon, the PCs might be asked to go to check things out and, if necessary, take action.
Someone in the party may be related to the Mithral Hall dwarves or to the farmer or farmhand that was attacked, and he or she may wish to go to the Silver Marches to assist in any necessary vengeance. - ?

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