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Сообщения - Easter

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Постепенно перевод модуля подходит к концу!
1. Delthrin himself is most likely encountered here as well, along with his shocker lizard familiar, Sirjo. The lizard gnaws upon a pile of bones in an large ceramic bowl next to Delthrin's chair. - ?
2. When Ellie first arrived here a few nights ago, Delthrin laid out his desires to trade secrets and use her knowledge of magically animating objects to enhance his undead minions. - ?

2. Cпасибо!
This room is dominated by a long, U-shaped table at which are seated a dozen of workers hunched over book, papers, quills, and inks. Some are sewing the leaves and covers of books together, while others inscribe texts from copy samples.
Creatures: This room contains a platoon of scrivener zombies that perform piecework under the direction of a pair of lacedon calligraphers. The end results are not artistic, but are much more presentable than one would think. Completed books are relocated and sold to merchants in bulk.
• Human Zombie Scriveners (12): hp 16 each; see The Working Undead (page 45).
• Lacedon Calligraphers (2): lip 20 each; see The Working Undead (page 45).

1. Creatures: This room contains a platoon of scrivener zombies that perform piecework under the direction of a pair of lacedon calligraphers. - ?
2. A long, mirrored dressing stand displays a variety of elaborate wigs and masks, as might be worn at a masquerade ball. Elsewhere in the room, mannequins garbed in elegant fashions pose, though some are rather strangely marred and recut from their original beauty —o ne is absent an arm, another is contorted in an impossible pose, and a third has only a portion of its head. A large locked chest sits against the west wall, partially hidden by a ruined courtier's outfit. - совсем запутался в этом абзаце...

Не, не выкину! Просто мне показалось странным назвать способность подводного монстра наносить двойной урон кораблям Укусом дредноута! Да и как-то нефентезийно звучит! Есть какие-нибудь ещё соображения?

1. The papers also include a large list of census reports and obituaries. Many names are circled; most these names are of dead locksmiths, scribes, carpenters, sculptors, shipwrights, and other skilled individuals. Some aren't quite dead yet. These are, of course, potential zombies for future projects. - некоторые ещё не мертвы?
2. Dreadnought's Bite (Ex): When the hidrashar attacks a ship, boat, raft, or other vessel made of wood, its bite attack (including attacks made with its second and third jaws) inflict double damage. If it charges, the bites inflict triple damage to the ship. It always uses a full Power Attack in conjunction with its dreadnought's bite - как назвать эту способность? В словаре сказано, что дредноут - сленговое обозначение боксёра-тяжеловеса. Может, именно это и имеется в виду?..

А второй вопрос?

Всем спасибо!
1. Creatures: As in room 7, this room is "staffed" by undead workers. Delthrin has not yet found any suitable bodies to animate as zombie locksmiths or trapmakers to serve under the lacedon experts here. Until then, he allows the four lacedons to work at their own pace; as they finish projects, they are rewarded with nice, ripe body parts harvested elsewhere. - ?
2. A platform rises at the corner of the quay, five feet above the rest of the floor. Several tables are arranged here, most covered with charts and ledgers. A set of steps ascends the side of the upraised area, and a single door is in the nearby wall. - ?

1. This room is dominated by a long, U-shaped tablе at which are seated a dozen of workers hunched over book, papers, quills, and inks. - главное в комнате - стол?
2. This battle can quickly turn into a major conflict, especially if none of the PCs can turn undead, so be prepared to run a large battle before the players reach this area. - ?

1. The large wooden boxes and crates to the south are filled with corpses, intact skeletons, and loose bones or body parts scavenged from graves, shipwrecks, and the nearby wilderness. - ?
2. Creatures: Four zombie stonemasons work at expanding the northern portion of the room under the direction of two lacedon stonemasons. - над расширением?

Вот контекст:
Creature: The entrance to Delthriris lair is guarded by one of his earliest necromantic experiments, an undead horror built from the corpses of a huge shark and half a dozen other sea creatures. He calls the creation a hidrashar. When dormant, the hidrashar appears as a floating mass of carrion, When it attacks, it appears as a great rotting shark, A lambent radiance gleams from its eyes, through its cracked flesh, and from the innumerable maws that cover its flanks, back, and belly. The long, rotting tendrils of flesh that hang from its deliquescing bulk lash about like tentacles. Their surfaces are studded with additional shark teeth, and can attack creatures in all directions. The ultimate horror, however, is revealed when the hidrashar opens its great mouth. Within its gaping orifice gnashes a slightly smaller flesh-tearing shark mouth, and within that mouth yet a third shark maw waits. Those attacked by the hidrashar's bite are in fact attacked with three bites. The hidrashar has proven useful on those occasions when Delthrin has chosen to act openly, ft was largely responsible for driving off an incursion of pirates several years ago. Now, the undead monstrosity guards Delthriris front gate, animating to savage any unescorted living creatures. It does not pursue creatures beyond the dungeon without Delthrin's direct orders.

1. The long, rotting tendrils of flesh that hang from its deliquescing bulk lash about like tentacles. - ?
2. Treasure: One of the lacedons carries an arcane scroll of hypnotism, shield, and spectral hand in an ivory scroll tube. The scroll was recently uncovered by a zombie, and the lacedon intends to use it to bargain for more food from Deithrin at some later date. - ?

Всем спасибо!
1. The entrance to Delthriris lair is guarded by one of his earliest necromantic experiments, an undead horror built from the corpses of a huge shark and half a dozen other sea creatures. He calls the creation a hidrashar. When dormant, the hidrashar appears as a floating mass of carrion, When it attacks, it appears as a great rotting shark. A lambent radiance gleams from its eyes, through its cracked flesh, and from the innumerable maws that cover its flanks, back, and belly. - ?
2. Several large brick pillars support the fifteen-foot high roof of this cavernous chamber. A twenty by thirty-foot platform stands to the south, from which three stone piers jut into the murky water. - ?

Спасибо! Как-то "ходы" больше соответствуют героическому фентези! :D

1.  A ten-foot-wide passage leads off to the south. - ведёт на юг?
2. The ceiling descends here, leaving only five feet of clearance where a rusty iron gate blocks further passage. The gate consists of rusted plates of metal above the waterline but appears to be grillwork below the water's surface. - ?

Всем спасибо!
1. In order to aid in guiding the zombie`s work, Delthrin has recruited several lacedon experts culled from flooded warrens below Marsember's graveyards. - ?
2. "Skilled" zombies do not have any ranks in Craft skills, but they can nevertheless make untrained Craft checks as long as the Craft is associated with their particular purpose) - ?

Я согласен с EvilСat, водный эльф с сумкой больше подходит для фентези, чем с чемоданчиком!

1. The walls and ceilings are of age-worn brick, coated in many places with sludgy clay, though in areas 11 and 13 walls, floor, and ceiling have been reclad in polished gray marble veined with blue. - ?
2. The murky water grants a +2 circumstance penalty on Spot and Search checks into (or within) the water. - ?

Спасибо всем!
Я просто затрудняюсь с точным переводом этих фраз...
Не поверишь - та же проблема! :D

Possessions: +1 rapier, 2 darts, wand of hold person (44 charges), wand of cat's grace (5 charges), potion of remove fear, performer's outfit, watertight costume case, 9 pp, 17 gp, - ?
Это имущество барда-водного эльфа.

Как можно найти логово летающего монстра, типа горгулий или бехолдеров - ведь следов на земле они не оставляют?

К сожалению, если кто-то отвечает на вопрос не вполне серьёзно, после этого никаких ответов больше не поступает. Проверено. Видимо, считают, раз кто-то ответил, то больше нет необходимости смотреть эту тему. Так что лучше всего воздерживаться от юмористических ответов. Я понимаю, что я уже всех достал, но всё же! :blush:

1. If someone walks along the western edge of the ruined villa that overlooks the water, a successful Spot check (DC 15) allows the character to notice a weathered stone seawall and what may be an opening in the cliff wall. The cliff can be scaled with a successful Climb check (DC 15); it's about 30 feet down to the water. - ?
2. Although Zabados knew Ellie was due in Marsember the next day, he declined to mention the meeting and invitation to her since something about Delthrin's attitude disturbed him, and he was afraid that Ellie (always practical and willing to talk magic with anyone) would take him up on his invitation and that it would all come to a bad end. - ?

Наверно, переведу to confront Delthrin about the situation как "встретиться с Делтрином".

Given a few moments to mull things over, Zabados remembers his meeting over a week ago with Delthrin. - ?

Хм, есть ли у кого нибудь ещё мысли по поводу confront?..

She points out that she preys almost exclusively upon the underprivileged and desperate of Cormyr, and that most of her victims chose their fates rather than return to their depressing and unfulfilling lives. - ?

1. Спасибо!
2. If she learns that Ellie has vanished. Coryl immediately suspects Delthrin and his lacedons are behind it. She sees them as competitors, and tries to convince the PCs to confront Delthrin about the situation. Any trouble for Delthrin is good news for Coryl. - тут скорее confront в смысле противостоять...

1. Iol - драгоценный каменьтакой.
2. А как это поконкретнее сформулировать?

1. The coffer contains 200 gp, 60 pp, and a set of four color-changing iol stones that Cory] uses in her bogus fortune-telling; each stone is worth 50 gp. - ?
2. She sees them as competitors, and tries to convince the PCs to confront Delthrin about the situation. - ?

1. The top of the dome protrudes from the surface during low tide, but the surrounding sea floor is 30 feet down. - 30 футов глубиной?
2. Cоryl admits that she has several spies lurking in the canals of Marsember, and one recently reported seeing a particularly foul-smelling creature lurking near the Roaring Griffon. Her spy recognized the creature as Haver Sosinov, a tattoo-covered lacedon ghast Coryl knows to be a favored minion of a local necromancer named Delthrin. Two nights ago, her spies noted that Haver was watching Zabados as well. If she learns that Ellie has vanished. Coryl immediately suspects Delthrin and his lacedons are behind it.  - и следом за ним его лацедонов?

If the party demands that Lashandra or Zabados be freed, Coryl offers to do so only if the PCs promise to leave her alone to continue her unique ministry amongst the underprivileged of Marsember. - ?

Вот из-за этой двойственности я вопрос и задал!
Моя вина, признаю! Я обычно даю контекст, но в данном конкретном случае не усмотрел в нём ничего, что могло бы помочь в переводе! Вот полный абзац текста:

Creatures: Coryl has many undead guardians and minions. The most dangerous minion, of course, is Lashandra, Zabados's cousin. During the day while Coryl sleeps, Lashandra patrols the waters surrounding the dome. At night, she rests for a few precious hours but spends the rest of the time inside the dome attending to Coryl's needs or providing her an audience for her unholy sermons.
Seven sharks patrol the waters around the mound. Of these, one is Coryl's animal companion, and the other six are wild sharks she has befriended. Inside the mound, Coryl's lair is defended by four aquatic ogre skeletons and a zombie giant crocodile. These undead lurk in the seaweed and attack anyone not accompanied by Coryl, Lashandra or Zabados. The mermaid vampire herself lurks in the southern reaches of the grotto, but sometimes lounges on the roof during night low tides to stargaze.
Coryl is a hauntingly beautiful mermaid, with long, thick, blood-red hair woven with strings of shells and pearls. Her skin is a pale silver in hue, deepening to a brilliant scarlet on her fish-like tail. She uses her skill in disguise to hide her sallow complexion and murderous shark-like fangs. She takes great delight in tormenting her prey with horrifying tales before feeding from them, Although she has several undead minions, she's somewhat wary about creating more vampires or vampire spawn, since this would increase the number of victims she needs to pluck from the surrounding region, thus increasing the chances of her being discovered. Nevertheless, she has been entertaining the concept of rewarding Lashandra's service with eternal unlife. Lashandra is a grim-looking aquatic elf with mostly blue skin except for patches of white on her shoulders and back. Her shoulder-length green hair is wild and unkept, and a dangerous, almost sadistic gleam shines in her eyes. Her time spent under Coiyl's domination has enhanced her cruelty. Unlike Zabados, Lashandra has recently deduced Coryrs true nature. and is darkly intrigued by the prospect of becoming a vampire herself.

А кто ещё может что сказать по поводу the number of victims she needs to pluck from the surrounding region?..
И, да, ещё один вопрос - Nevertheless, she has been entertaining the concept of rewarding Lashandra's service with eternal unlife. - ?

Ребята, да мне и не нужно их переводить! :D
Их уже студия "Фантом"перевела! У меня вопрос совсем не о том, как этих монстров переводить!  ;)

Vamire spawn - это такой монстр в D&D, которых могут создавать вампиры.
В основном у меня тут непонятки - the number of victims she needs to pluck from the surrounding region

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