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Сообщения - Easter

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1. He naturally plans large conquests for the Zhentarim, and he keeps a close eye on the workings of his underlings as well as the movements of the do-gooders of Faerûn - ?
2. Located deep within Zhentil Keep itself and guarded by a legion of Zhent soldiers, Bane's Eye is a huge circular stone structure that marks a very unique portal. - ?

Всем спасибо!
Possessions: +2 chain shirt, masterwork longsword, masterwork short sword, masterwork composite longbow (+1 Str), quiver with 20 arrows, vest of resistance +3, ring of counterspells (usually loaded with scorching ray), 3 pearls of power 1st level, various small supplies and spell components.- ?[/font]

Спасибо! А чего ты свои переводы монстров на сайт не прислала?

marks for death это случайно не указание на использование абилки "death mark" ?

Нет, судя по игромеханическому описанию! 
Since then, he has moved around Faerыn and seen that wizards and their ilk have infiltrated all societies and aspects of life. One cannot escape them and their evil. In his youth he would have resigned himself to living with them, but now he cannot do so.
1. - ?
2. Примирился бы с жизнью с ними?

Всем спасибо!
Every wizard he sees he marks for death, which gives him a very large death list. He knows that he cannot kill all of them, but he sees himself as making Faerun better one dead wizard at a time, and he hopes to train successors to carry on the work. - ?

Всем спасибо!
1. During those years, he ran into a halfling named Perinsa Falmarya, who similarly had lost her family to wizard attacks. From her he learned that he could fight back, overcome, and accomplish something in life. - ?
2. After a few years as a ranger, he met a man who suggested that he embrace the ways of wizards and use their own arts against them. Thus he started on the road to becoming a mage-killer. Years of study and practice on lesser spellcasters led eventually to his killing his first "official" wizard, as he counts it, four years ago.

Всем спасибо!

He ventured north, where he began to train as a ranger so that he could kill wizards. He shunned the arcane arts themselves during this period, even though he felt a growing talent with magical powers within him. - ?

Всем спасибо!

Red Wizards killed his parents in their own home over some slight of etiquette. As his parents burned, he fled into the night. Later he returned to bury the bodies and retrieve his few possessions, but then he made his escape from the dark land of his birth. The sight of his parents' deaths haunts him to this day. In fact, when under great stress, he suffers delusions of being back in his home as the wizards come through the door.
1. Вернуть свои немногочисленные пожитки?
2. - ?

Всем спасибо! Мне тоже "Свысока" больше нравится!

Abalajar Ocerat was the son of farmers in the tharch of Priador, and since the zulkirs detected no talent for wizardry in him, he remained there with his family while growing up. During his early years he saw the people around him brutally mistreated.  - ?

Доброго времени суток!
Не знаю, кто как, но лично я нередко замечал, что в модулях довольно часто встречаются монстры, для которых не прописано сокровище. Если у некоторых, в основном, наиболее сильных монстров, такого нет, то более слабых монстров нередко прописывают вроде Вампирские отродья (3), см. Руководство монстров.
Собственно вопрос - даёте ли вы таким монстрам сокровище, или оставляете игроков без него? Унас в группе бывают холивары "в модуле сокровища не прописаны, значит, нет сокровищ" vs "в Руководстве монстров написано "стандарт", значит, сокровища должны быть".
Заранее всем спасибо за ответы!

Ладно, хватит почивать на лаврах, надо двигаться дальше!
Life in Thay is rough. You may find it especially rough when you don't belong to the ruling class of wizards. Those in power look down upon the common people of Thay and think of them as inferior. They mistreat these people and consider them as holding little value. Where else do wizards get people for horrific experiments, or to make into armies of undead? -?

Ладно, исправлю!

Я всё же считаю, что здесь ключевым словом считается именно HONEYMOON...
Впрочем, посмотри контекст, может, я и не прав!
Кстати, да, поправки приветствуются!

Назову-ка я это "Роскошные аппартаменты" или "Аппартаменты-люкс"...
Наконец-то EvilCat со многими участниками этого форума я завершил перевод модуля! Большое спасибо всем! Если есть желание, могу его прямо тут вывесить, а то уже много чего на сайт отправил, а до сих пор обновлений не было!

2. Да, но в данном модуле это аппартаменты, в которых живут некромант и похищенная им волшебница, которая согласилась ему помогать. У них чисто деловое партнёрство, а не медовый месяц, так что это именно "период хороших отношений", только не знаю, как бы получше такое сказать...

Хм, похоже, я несколько погорячился, сказав, что это был последний вопрос! Начал вычитку, и новые вопросы таки появились!
1. These papers can go a long way toward proving Delthrin doesn't have Marsember's best interests at heart, and Constable Truesil adds an additional 500 gp per PC if they turn these documents over to her. - не принимает интересы Марсембера близко к сердцу?
Само по себе это значит "номер для молодожёнов", но те, кто там живут - вовсе не молодожёны. HONEYMOON отдельно означает "краткий период хороших отношений", но назвать главу "Аппартаменты краткого периода хороших отношений" как-то неуклюже...
3. Мозговой штурм надругом ресурсе выдал для слова "spellstitched" хороший перевод - прошитый магией. Но, возможно, таки будут лучшие предложения?

Собственно, последний вопрос по данному модулю!
Marsember is a metropolis of 36,007 spread over a cluster of sandy islands at the western edge of the Starwater River estuary. - ?

Всем спасибо!
Deltrin`s necromantic studies have allowed him to animate zombies for purposes other than combat. By selecting the
bodies of what were skilled laborers or experts in life, he has discovered a way to animate zombies that are unusually adept at performing menial, repetitive, but nonetheless skilled tasks, such as stonemasonry, smithing, trapmaking, locksmithing, and even copying text. These zombies function in all ways similar to regular zombies, except that their natural inclination is to continue working at their chosen task. A mason zombie, tbr example, continues to carve tunnels if left uncontrolled, while a locksmith zombie continues to craft locks. - ?

Можно ещё раз уточнить ответ на первый вопрос?.. :angel:

Виноват, ошибка распознавания, там shades!

Ну, сам перевод уже практически готов, проблемные места осталось прояснить!
Судя по карте, там таки утёс, а вот арка - точно рукотворная.

A divination spell cast to locate Ellie yields the following cryptic rhyme: 'All bridges span the way, but only one has only one. Twisting vine shadrs watery grave, where endless work is never done." The first line refers to the bridges that link the islands of Marsember. Only one island can be reached by a single bridge, and the burned-out shell of the Everet villa is found there. The second line refers to the assassin vines that shroud the hidden entrance to the catacombs, where Del thrill's undead laborers toil. - ?

If someone walks along the western edge of the ruined villa that overlooks the water, a successful Spot check (DC 15) allows the character to notice a weathered stone seawall and what may be an opening in the cliff wall. The cliff can be scaled with a successful Climb check (DC 15); it's about 30 feet down to the water. Those who investigate, either by climbing down the cliff or approaching by sea, discover an archway that opens into a partially flooded passageway leading underground; this is area 1 - ?

Beshaba is a chaotic evil goddess of random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, and accidents. Feared far more than she is venerated, she is given to bouts of extreme jealousy with regards to her sister Tymora (goddess of luck). - ?

1. If things turn grim for him, and he's unable to flee (either via teleportation magic or via the secret passage-way), he surrenders and begs for mercy. - если события развиваются плохо для него?
2. When the party collects their reward from Constable Truesil, they are asked to keep silent about all of this business. Even if Delthrin is slain, the government would like his name to persist in town as a sort of unspoken warning to any other pirates or brigands who would think to attack Marsember. Part of their payment is for this discretion; sometimes divulging the whole truth is just not practical. -?

Спасибо! Только скорее не могущественная, а известная!

Both Coryl and Delthrin are powerful NPCs with effective means of escaping death. If one or both of them escape the PCs, they harbor grudges and doubtless plan vengeance against them some time down the road. - ?

Кори - вампир, Делтрин - некромант.

Фраза была, но тогда я спрашивал о другом, она была только как контекст!

As long as the PCs manage to defeat or drive off Delthrin and find Ellie before the three days are up, they are successful in their mission and can collect their reward. Even if Ellie and the PCs part on unfriendly terms (most likely resulting from a disagreement on how to deal with Delthrin if he surrenders), they can still collect their reward, as long as they didn't hurt or kill Ellie. Ellie's death (or even wounding) at the PCs hands embroils them in a long, drawn-out tangle with the law, since she is a very popular woman and has many friends in high places. - ?

Геометр Теней
Чтобы уточнить - и бонус от музыки барда, и избранный враг рейнджера, и заклинания типа Divine favor?..

Доброго времени суток!
В правилах о критических ударах указано, что не умножается только урон, требующий дополнительный кубик. Значит, и способность Smite evil, и Power attack, и бонус от магического оружия таки умножается?
С примером, паладин 5-го уровня с длинным мечом +2, мощной атакой на +5 к урону, использующий способность поразить зло и Силой 14 при критическом ударе по злому противнику нанесёт урон д8+2+5+5+2 + д8+2+5+5+2?

1. The zombies follow the commands given by these lacedons, usually given to start the zombies on a new project, but sometimes given to defend the dungeon from intruders. - ?
2. "Skilled" zombies do not have any ranks in Craft skills, but they can nevertheless make untrained Craft checks as long as the Craft is associated with their particular purpose). The zombies remain nonintelligent, so their total modifier to the check is +0. As a result, they tend to be slow crafts-men and generally don't turn out particularly beautiful or well-made products, but the fact that they can work non-stop without tiring nevertheless makes them valuable resources. - ?

Ладно, отложим пока название монстра!
1. A platform rises at the corner of the quay, five feet above the rest of the floor. Several tables are arranged here, most covered with charts and ledgers. - ?
2. Six more zombie stonemasons work here, slowly clearing away rubble and rebuilding stairs. They ignore the sounds of combat in area 4, but they attack any living creatures approaching within 15 feet of the stairs. - атакуют любое живое существо, приблизившееся к лестнице на расстояние 15 футов?

Ну, не знаю...
Идея как бы в том, что после нанесения этих рун нежить получает возможность использовать заклинания...
Впрочем, может, кто-нибудь ещё что-нибудь предложит...

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