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Вот несколько выдержек: In miniature gaming the visual aesthetic is more central; you are shoving little men across a table. But look through the photos of the battles in early WFB – those Dwarfs look wide-eyed with fear as the Skeletons climb the hill towards them. And what are the Dwarfs defending? A farmhouse, perhaps. What does the equivalent picture for WFB8 look like? The Dwarfs are on steroids, huge hulks with snarling faces, and they are not defending a barn but the legendary Tower of SKULZ. And then there is 'balance'. Contemporary RPGs are seemingly designed so that all PCs, when properly optimised, contribute equally to an encounter. 'Encounter' has been reduced to combat (that the PCs can win) or a skill check (‘social combat’? that’s wrong on so many levels), and 'contribute' to a mechanistic intervention. So all characters need to bring TEH AWESUM as if this was an MMORPG. EDIT: Ссылку забыл: http://drbargle.blogspot.fi/2013/02/the-old-school-is-pathetic-rant.html
Тема: Отличная статья о соотношении старых и новых игр (Прочитано 9262 раз)